We believe most women’s empowerment conferences aim to inspire, educate and motivate women, but fail to go deep enough to cultivate real transformation. Sustainable and effective change will require a deep understanding of the problem, a commitment to having difficult conversations and an intent to be of service to one another, and that’s what makes this leadership summit different than all the rest.
The Superwoman Summit is proud to present influential leaders, change agents, authors, coaches and thought leaders driving the conversation in this area of women’s leadership. There will be main stage talks combined with breakout sessions and small groups. We will also facilitate challenging conversations on emotional intelligence, mindfulness, creativity and tactics that drive positive change for the future of women leaders and their organizations.

Not only have we invited some of the most formative female thought leaders on the subject, but we’ve also invited men to the stage. We believe that excluding men from the conversation is an error as our enlightened male counterparts are equally craving solutions to these problems:
- Equal pay for women and men
- Equal opportunity for promotion, responsibility, creativity and leadership for both women and men
- Equal contribution from women and men in the boardroom, on teams and at meetings
- Equal voice for projects, solutions and ideas
- A supportive, collaborative and innovative work culture for all.
This summit is guaranteed to benefit you and your organization by helping you become a more confident, effective and successful leader. Learn more and register to attend.
The Superwoman Summit 2017 is a unique opportunity to get your message in front of high-performing, influential, professional women who are your target consumers, customers and brand ambassadors.

Mary Nichols, Account Director at Murmur Creative
Terry "Starbucker" St. Marie, Founder of More Human Leadership

Yasmin Nguyen, Founder of Vibrance Global
Michael Knouse, Business + Performance Coach and Founder of The Startup Sessions

Christie Mims, Founder of The Revolutionary Club

Andrea Leda, Spiritual Leader for the Soul Seeker

Kare Anderson, Author & Speaker, Founder of Say It Better

Pat Welch, Founder & CEO of Boly:Welch
Amy Sample-Ward, Executive Director NTEN
Stephanie Ockerman, Professional Scrum Master, Coach and Trainer